On April 28, 2020 – Sotheby’s announced the launch of Sotheby’s Gallery Network. This is an online platform where Sotheby’s helps partner galleries to make immediate sales. Sotheby’s provides to the galleries their connections with a global audience through its digital marketing platform and for collectors Sotheby’s name gives assurance and trust regarding authenticity and quality of art works. This initiative by Sotheby’s expanded its practice of private sales channels.

“Purchases of works valued up to $150,000 can be completed with ease as point-of-sale transactions on Sotheby’s online platform. Users will have the option to “enquire” regarding the sale of works listed in excess of $150,000.” [1]
[1] Sotheby’s https://www.sothebys.com/en/press/announcing-the-launch-of-sothebys-gallery-network